Right Jewelry For The Right Outfit

June 8, 2015 By swj-eric

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Jewelry is becoming more and more of a way to make a statement. Clothes say a lot about a person but there are many circumstances in which, fashion decisions are made for us such as occasions or professional dress. Jewelry however, is something that is truly unique and can be made entirely your own. It is often becoming more important than the outfit itself.

Jewelry is fast becoming the height of all fashion. It begs the question, is it the clothes that make the outfit or is it the jewelry? Do you dress according to the jewelry you wish to wear or choose your jewelry to match your clothes?

Celebrities, as we know are the leading influence in our fashion today while jewelry has taken the industry by storm! High profile celebrities wearing different types of jewelry seem to be in every magazine, and, as with clothes, dictate the rise of certain trends.

I think we would all agree that as much as a well put together outfit can be a great confidence boost, there is something extremely sexy about jewelry and now is considered to be equal to, if not more of a statement about an individual than the actual clothes they choose to wear.

Even men are realizing the potential of jewelry, many of whom will accessorize with the ever increasing range available to them. The vast increase in styles and trends mean we can be as extravagant or as understated as we wish, just as we can be with our choice of clothing and shoes.

Jewelry for many women makes them feel feminine and sexy, boosting their self-esteem, it holds power and can ultimately without realizing it expresses our mood to others, even to the opposite sex! It portrays a message that we have ‘made an effort’. It allows us to dress down to a much more casual look and can turn any outfit into something much more glamorous and alluring.

There are many ways to increase one’s sex appeal, to state some of the more obvious products that have, through advertisement, become linked with the idea of making us more attractive, would include items such as perfume, makeup, underwear, clothing, and even hairstyles. Jewelry, which although has always been popular, has perhaps reached a higher climax than just the use of those listed above.

If you asked a guy, what would he find more sexy – A naked women? or naked women laden with jewelry? Chances are he may say, naked women! But I’m not a man, so I can’t answer that. However, ask a woman the same question, you may find the answer is the total opposite. Now, if you think about it, why do women wear jewelry? Because maybe they have a sentimental attachment to it? Yes. To enhance an outfit? Yes, and ultimately, because they like it! Us ladies like to feel good and what is more of a turn on than a woman who feels sexy- hey guys?

A woman who feels hot oozes confidence, which results in the ultimate sex appeal!

We aren’t just talking about earrings, bracelets, rings, although lovely, I’m thinking some majorly seductive jewelry that possibly isn’t even known about by many. Pieces such as body chains, leg bracelets, actual clothing made from 100 percent jewelry! Even lingerie today is often enhanced by adding jewelry features to it.

So girls, if it grabs your attention and makes you feel desirable, go for it! There’s nothing sexier than a woman with confidence!